The Perils of Womanhood

This post will probably be a tad difficult for anyone who isn't a black woman to relate to, so apologies in advance. Why is it that hairdressing salons seem to be under the impression that we all have nothing better to do than spend hours sitting around twiddling our thumbs while we wait for them to make us look half decent?
Yesterday was an all-time low in the me vs hairdressers saga. I spent 6, yes I repeat 6 hours at the salon. Now if I was getting a facial, manicure and pedicure in addition to having my hair done it wouldn't have mattered. All I went in for was a relaxer and haircut! I arrived at 5pm and left at 11.30 at night. Shocking! What made matters worse was the fact that I had an appointment. I'm not sure why they even have appointment systems. They should just put up a sign "All who enter should be aware that they may never see daylight again".
What I find more bizarre though is that this ailment appears to be limited to salons catering specifically to black folk. Its catch-22, if I go to a salon generally aimed at the caucasian population then I can expect to spend an absolute fortune because "Afro hair presents unique challenges!" or so they say. If I go to a salon catering specifically for afro hair, then I can generally expect to sit around for hours while they chew the fat and occasionally get around to doing some hair!
I of course came out with hair so short, I feel like a freshly plucked chicken. Check the result out above!
No one said the pursuit of beauty was painless.
That's ridiculous, but then as someone with hair that doesn't 'present unique challenges' (oh my God they say that?) I haven't experienced this first hand.
Still, you may have lost an evening of your life but the hair looks fab. Really great, they did a good job even if it took them a long time to do it.
Thanks boodles...your words are helping ease the trauma.
It suits you though
ahhh.. the agony of hair dressing. Once it took 30 hrs to get my microbraids dones. It was only supposed to take 8. Missed all my classes the next day cos I had to catch up on sleep. But your cut looks fab.
freshly plucked chicken ... hehe
(high pitched...soprano stylee) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To think that I get upset with the barber spending an hour cutting my hair (whilst watching football).
You ladies dey try!
Nice hairstyle.
6 hours, hmm that is something! I think i can only spend that amount of time at the salon if i am going to do braids!
Nice haircut
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