
Coming at you from Lagos y'all!!!! Haven't had much of a chance to blog since I left NYC, it's been a hectic few days to say teh least. I am currently writing this from Aunty Abi's house, but I guess it's best to take you back over the last few days.
The flight to London was one of the worst ever. I mean it when I say that American Airlines and I are through...ridiculous service. You would think one was riding a molue not a plane!! Not sure why it is so bad...makes no sense. But then again..what does these days. Upon arrival in London, there was loads of fog as we were touching down. I took a couple of nice photos...they were somewhat reminiscent of "The Day After Tomorrow" which isn't really what you want on a flight!!!
Anyway, when I got to London, I went to Gbite's where I promptly passed out and then eventually got up and went to meet Keji.
We hung out and had some drinks, and were later joined by Nadiya. It's been such a long time since the three of us shot the breeze, so that was good fun....until Nadiys had to dash...a costume ball of all things!! Never mind though, Leilani joined us for a couple as well later so that was cool. And then before I knew what had hit me, it was 9 o'clock and thus time for me to go back to Gbite's. He took me all the way to Omo's house that night...I am eternally grateful to him for being so sweet. Maybe now he'll forgive me for apparently dissing him in a previous post(i still don't think i did!!!)
That night was pretty much hell, tempers were frayed people were screaming..and oh yeah we had to leave for the airport at 4am! But it all went of without a hitch and we landed in Lagos on Thursday evening. 97 degrees Fahrenheit!!!! Unbelieveble! I'm slowly getting over the culture shock fact so far It's funny how much stuff has changed but at the same time how much remains the same! I think lots of stuff is different for the better but it's a little difficult to gauge as I haven't really been about that much. Will tell all with time! Ciao
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