Monday, November 21, 2005


Man, it's been a stressful week to say the least! It culminated in the long-awaited trip to Nashville which was topped by the sight of yours truly...line dancing!!!! I kid you not. It was a sight to behold!

I've been running around like a headless chicken trying to get all the pieces for this wedding to fall into place and its not even mine!! Lord knows what will happen if I ever decide to do the deed myself! Quick re-cap, I went to the a fabulous party weekend before last. So many people that I hadn't seen in ages were there. It gives me hope for the road forward in NYC ...It's nice to know that I have a non-work related social scene ...apart from K, he's the anchor for this whole shipwreck I like to call lil' ole me. Tats came to town for the week, it's just a shame that the timing was all wrong and she had to be here while I was going to be away, but I did mangae to fit in a drink, or two....... or twenty. It's was bit groundhog dayesque sitting there sipping martinis with her and jen! Haven't done that in a while. K came to meet me at the bar later and they were all kinda rude though, it was a touch tense. It's looking like I'm going to have to keep those two sides of my life separate.

Anyway, I would love to sit here and wax poetic about the joys of my life but frankly my butt still hurts from all that line-dancing and my shoulders are quaking under the strain of all the cowboys I lassoed last I'ma sign off here.


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