Thursday, June 08, 2006

Cats and Dogs

It's been raining non-stop in NYC, gotta love that summer huh?!

Now I know what Noah must have felt like holed up in that damn ark. Where does the saying "it's raining cats and dogs" come from anyway? And what it really be like if it actually rained cats and dogs? How would that work?

You know I'm stir-crazy when I start chatting crap.


Blogger Morountodun said...

Ok I was just looking for something to activate my mind before I start work today (the World Cup starts later so I am finding it a bit hard to focus), thanks for providing a research article.

Wikipedia have an article on raining animals (not just cats and dogs) apparently its not so uncommon for random animals to fall from the sky anyone remember the film Magnolia?, there was a scene at the end of the film where Frogs started falling from the sky. It also ties in with the biblical 2nd plague in the book of Exodus Where Moses asked Pharaoh to "Let my people go!" and he didn't so God sent 10 plagues to 'persuade' him.

The phrase "its raining cats and dogs" is first documented as appearing in Jonathan Swift’s (the dude who wrote Gullivers travels) work "A Complete Collection of Polite and Ingenious Conversation" published in 1738 where he said “I know Sir John will go, though he was sure it would rain cats and dogs”.

Another explanation relates to the Norse God of War Odin. World wide words says "It seems that cats were at one time thought to have influence over storms, especially by sailors, and that dogs were symbols of storms, often accompanying images and descriptions of the Norse storm god Odin. So when some particularly violent tempest appeared, people suggested it was caused by cats (bringing the rain) and dogs (the wind)."

Another explanation suggests that the expression is a distortion of the old French word catadoupe (meaning waterfall). Anyway mind active back to work...

5:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Morountodun, Brilliant Work!! Very informative.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ Morountodun, Brilliant Work!! Very informative.

10:30 AM  
Blogger toometoblog said...


12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It wasn't so bad for the most part today in NY! Until it started spitting in the PM

1:17 AM  
Blogger chrome said...

wow indeedy! dude is off the books!

10:44 AM  
Blogger Monef said...

@morountodun...that's amazing...and actually incredibly intersting. You have sparked a trend, I now feel compelled to spend all my spare time looking up the origins of various sayings!!

4:09 PM  

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