Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Dixville Notch down, the rest of the country to go

So the first voting results have trickled in from the resort of Dixville Notch, a small resort in the north of New Hampshire with a tradition of voting first in the nation - at midnight to be precise - on election day. The number of people actually casting ballots there is tiny, but it remains a fascinating little bit of tradition. Just the sort of thing to titillate a political junkie like me.

And so of course I stayed up till midnight to see which way the wind would blow in Dixville Notch (it usually blows republican), but this time it was worth it.Obama-15, McCain-6. Bring on the rest of Election Day!

*NaNo update - 4,400 words out of a goal of 50,000.


Blogger Chris Ogunlowo said...

So how are we celebrating Obama's win? ;)

3:31 AM  
Blogger Monef said...

I'd hate to jinx it by elaborating, but know this, there will be champagne!:)

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well done girl. Keep up the writing.


5:05 PM  

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