Thursday, November 01, 2007


Today is the day. I have the rest of this week off work and the plan is to focus on my writing. My personal goal is currently set for 2,000 words per day. No mean feat when one is trying to get coherent narrative down. So far, I have 645 words and I hate them all. I am gazing longingly at the 'delete' button wishing I could use it.

I have to force myself to remember that my goal at this stage is not to create beautiful prose. It is just to get as many words as possible out there and let the story shape itself. It is quite a humbling experience, I haven't written fiction since I was fifteen. I have been told by experienced people that I will probaly hate the first 4,000 words of whatever I am writing, so I guess I just have to suck it up.

Oh well, 1,355 more words to go today ....

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